• Charname: Gringo
  • Hours Played: 1865 h 05 m
  • Race: Chinese
  • Level: 100
  • STR: 119
  • INT: 416
  • Guild: Experience
  • Job Type: Thief - Level: 7
  • Job Nick: EX_Gringo
  • Item Points: 1626
  • PVP K/D: 1806/2905 (0.0)
  • JOB K/D: 0/0 (0.0)
  • Update at 04:52

Break Heaven Sword (+5)

Legendary Seal of Sun
Sorf of item: Sword
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.atk.pwr. 1889.0 ~ 2064.0 (+80%)
Mag.def.pwr. 3224.0 ~ 3575.0 (+80%)
Durability 272/126 (+0%)
Attack distance 0 m
Attack rate 269 (+61%)
Critical 16 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 260.6 % ~ 293.9 % (+80%)
Mag. reinforce 440.3 % ~ 506.1 % (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Blocking rate 100
Attack rate 60% Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger Bone Shield (+10)

Legendary Grand Electus
Sorf of item: Shield
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 209.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 336.0 (+61%)
Durability 98/93 (+0%)
Blocking rate 23 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 29.8 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 50.1 % (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Maximum durability 99% Reduce
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]

Taesang Hat (+8)

Legendary Grand Electus
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Head
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 232.0 (+80%)
Mag.def.pwr. 495.0 (+80%)
Durability 86/80 (+0%)
Parry rate 52 (+100%)
Phy. reinforce 30.4 % (+80%)
Mag. reinforce 64.7 % (+80%)

Required level 91
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Maximum durability 99% Reduce
Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
MP 850 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
HP 850 Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Talisman (+8)

Legendary Grand Electus
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Shoulder
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 185.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 394.0 (+61%)
Durability 172/80 (+0%)
Parry rate 32 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 24.3 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 51.9 % (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Immortal (1Time/times)
Steady (1Time/times)
Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Suit (+8)

Legendary Grand Electus
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Chest
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 308.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 654.0 (+80%)
Durability 165/81 (+0%)
Parry rate 48 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 39.7 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 84.7 % (+61%)

Required level 92
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)
Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 850 Increase
MP 850 Increase

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Wristlet (+8)

Legendary Grand Electus
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Hands
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 173.0 (+80%)
Mag.def.pwr. 369.0 (+61%)
Durability 161/80 (+0%)
Parry rate 30 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 22.6 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 48.1 % (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Immortal (1Time/times)
Steady (1Time/times)
Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Trousers (+8)

Legendary Grand Electus
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Legs
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 253.0 (+80%)
Mag.def.pwr. 539.0 (+80%)
Durability 141/81 (+0%)
Parry rate 47 (+80%)
Phy. reinforce 32.7 % (+80%)
Mag. reinforce 69.9 % (+80%)

Required level 92
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

MP 850 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
HP 850 Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Maximum durability 44% Reduce
Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Shoes (+8)

Legendary Grand Electus
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Foot
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 218.0 (+80%)
Mag.def.pwr. 466.0 (+80%)
Durability 95/80 (+0%)
Parry rate 43 (+80%)
Phy. reinforce 28.8 % (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 61.3 % (+80%)

Required level 91
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Maximum durability 91% Reduce
Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger's Eye Earring (+8)

Legendary Seal of Sun
Sorf of item: Earring
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 28.6 (+61%)
Mag. absorption 28.5 (+41%)

Required level 91
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger's Eye Necklace (+8)

Legendary Seal of Sun
Sorf of item: Necklace
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 33.3 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 33.3 (+41%)

Required level 92
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Immortal (1Time/times)
Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger's Eye Ring (+8)

Legendary Seal of Sun
Sorf of item: Ring
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 26 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 26 (+41%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger's Eye Ring (+9)

Legendary Seal of Sun
Sorf of item: Ring
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 26.3 (+61%)
Mag. absorption 26.3 (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
BurnHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Electus Samurai - Black Edition Dress (M)

Sorf of item: Avatar Dress

Ignore Monster Defense 1 % Probability
Ignore Monster Defense 1 % Probability
Ignore Monster Defense 1 % Probability
Damage 5% Increase


Electus Wizard's - Black Edition Hat (M)

Sorf of item: Avatar Hat

Int 1 Increase
Damage Absorption 5% Increase


Saytan Attach (M)

Sorf of item: Avatar Accessory

Attack rate 5% Increase


Legendary Dragon Flag

Sorf of item: Avatar Flag

Int 1 Increase
Str 1 Increase


Angel's Spirit (M) (+4)

Sorf of item: Avatar Dress

10% Damage increase (it will apply to Unique monsters only)


Unique kills:

# Unique Kills
1 Baal [STR] 3
2 Captain Ivy 4
3 Cerberus 3
4 Dark Soul 4
5 Dead Karkadann [STR] 4
6 Dead Khulood 3
7 Demon Shaitan 8
8 Demon Shaitan [STR] 12
9 Fat Stone Boi [STR] 4
10 Haroeris 3
11 Homocidal Santa 1
12 Isis 1
13 Isyutaru 8
14 Isyutaru [STR] 14
15 Lord Yarkan 9
16 Lord Yarkan [STR] 20
17 Neith 1
18 Roc [STR] 1
19 Selket [STR] 2
20 Tiger Girl 8
21 Uruchi 8
22 Uruchi [STR] 7
23 Yuno 1

PVP kills & deaths:

# Killer Victim Date & Time
1 Gringo StarZ 2024-07-02 21:11:12.940
2 wolfman Gringo 2024-07-02 21:08:41.077
3 StarZ Gringo 2024-07-02 21:07:08.473
4 Gringo wolfman 2024-07-02 21:06:56.623
5 Gringo StarZ 2024-07-02 21:02:34.203
6 Hostile Gringo 2024-07-02 02:02:15.020
7 Hostile Gringo 2024-07-02 02:01:17.740
8 MyGrand Gringo 2024-07-01 19:14:46.327
9 Volstagg Gringo 2024-07-01 19:13:59.513
10 Volstagg Gringo 2024-07-01 19:13:42.593

Job kills & deaths:

# Killer Victim Date & Time
1 Gringo Roki 2024-08-05 18:07:22.043
2 Hostile Gringo 2024-07-05 00:39:17.657
3 Gringo Nav 2024-07-05 00:35:25.567
4 Gringo Hostile 2024-07-04 11:19:42.610
5 Gringo Malware 2024-07-04 11:19:32.863
6 wolfman Gringo 2024-07-03 00:28:52.037
7 wolfman Gringo 2024-07-02 15:34:11.860
8 ThunderX Gringo 2024-07-02 15:33:31.427
9 Gringo Axel10 2024-07-02 15:28:36.630
10 BLooDLusT Gringo 2024-07-02 15:27:23.437

Global History:

Message Time
WTB Gold coins, 100m each, need about 10 Mon, Aug 5, 2024 6:53 PM
WTB All types of ADV B Sun, Jun 30, 2024 4:55 PM
WTB ADV B WEAP AND SHIELD Fri, Jun 28, 2024 10:56 AM
Who is english speak person in OG? No offence but i see 99% doesnt understrand anything... Thu, Jun 27, 2024 12:37 AM
WTS Selket STR, cause tanq cant handle it Wed, Jun 26, 2024 11:49 PM
xD OG Krall Guild, need at least 3 full kb bowmans to kill 1 thief xD xD Gz guys Wed, Jun 26, 2024 4:45 PM
... Sun, Jun 23, 2024 6:57 PM
WTB GE Chest //// WTB Lucky stones Fri, Jun 21, 2024 6:55 PM
WTB GE Chest and GE Shoulder Fri, Jun 21, 2024 5:51 PM
80 medusa INT pt Thu, Jun 20, 2024 10:52 PM
Informacje serwerowe
  • Gracze online: 25/2500
  • Czas Serwera: 
  • CAP: 100
  • Race: Chinese Only
  • PC Limit: 2 (+1 Staller)
  • IP Limit: 4 (+1 Staller)
  • Guild Limit: 24
  • Union Limit: 0

















Fortress war
  • Fortress war: Sunday 20:30
  • Bandit Fortress Bandit: OG
Unique Kills
  • Arroz zabił Anubis - 24 minuty temu
  • Arroz zabił Haroeris - 1 godzina temu
  • SALEM zabił Dead Karkadann [STR] - 3 godziny temu
  • VEOLIA zabił Dead Khulood - 3 godziny temu
  • Arroz zabił Neith - 4 godziny temu
  • More