• Charname: G1NGE
  • Hours Played: 972 h 30 m
  • Race: Chinese
  • Level: 100
  • STR: 149
  • INT: 386
  • Guild: None
  • Job Type: Thief - Level: 5
  • Job Nick: HG_CUN7Y
  • Item Points: 1311
  • PVP K/D: 1385/1915 (0.0)
  • JOB K/D: 0/0 (0.0)
  • Update at 05:03

Break Heaven Sword (+10)

Seal of Moon
Sorf of item: Sword
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.atk.pwr. 1931.0 ~ 2106.0 (+80%)
Mag.def.pwr. 3272.0 ~ 3619.0 (+61%)
Durability 290/123 (+0%)
Attack distance 0 m
Attack rate 241 (+61%)
Critical 14 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 237.1 % ~ 267.4 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 403.6 % ~ 463.9 % (+61%)

Required level 92
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Attack rate 60% Increase
Blocking rate 100
Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]

Tiger Bone Shield (+10)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Shield
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 184.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 295.0 (+41%)
Durability 95/89 (+0%)
Blocking rate 19 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 26.1 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 43.8 % (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Maximum durability 99% Reduce
Immortal (1Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]

Taesang Hat (+8)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Head
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 202.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 431.0 (+61%)
Durability 163/76 (+0%)
Parry rate 36 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 26.4 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 56.2 % (+61%)

Required level 91
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Steady (1Time/times)
Parry rate 60% Increase
Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
MP 850 Increase
HP 850 Increase
Durability 160% Increase
Immortal (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Talisman (+8)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Shoulder
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 162.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 346.0 (+61%)
Durability 166/76 (+0%)
Parry rate 35 (+80%)
Phy. reinforce 21.3 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 45.4 % (+80%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times
Parry rate 60% Increase
Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Suit (+8)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Chest
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 270.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 574.0 (+61%)
Durability 38/77 (+0%)
Parry rate 45 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 34.7 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 74.1 % (+61%)

Required level 92
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Parry rate 60% Increase
Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
MP 850 Increase
HP 850 Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Wristlet (+8)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Hands
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 152.0 (+80%)
Mag.def.pwr. 324.0 (+61%)
Durability 160/76 (+0%)
Parry rate 28 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 19.8 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 42.1 % (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Immortal (1Time/times)
Steady (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times
Parry rate 60% Increase
Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Durability 160% Increase

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Trousers (+8)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Legs
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 220.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 470.0 (+61%)
Durability 46/77 (+0%)
Parry rate 44 (+80%)
Phy. reinforce 28.4 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 60.7 % (+61%)

Required level 92
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
HP 850 Increase
MP 850 Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Immortal (1Time/times)
Steady (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Taesang Shoes (+8)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Garment
Mounting part: Foot
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy.def.pwr. 190.0 (+61%)
Mag.def.pwr. 406.0 (+80%)
Durability 37/76 (+0%)
Parry rate 40 (+80%)
Phy. reinforce 24.8 % (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 52.9 % (+61%)

Required level 91
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 6 Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Int 6 Increase
Steady (1Time/times)
Immortal (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger's Eye Earring (+9)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Earring
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 27.3 (+61%)
Mag. absorption 27.4 (+80%)

Required level 91
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Immortal (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times
Int 6 Increase
Str 6 Increase
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
BurnHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger's Eye Necklace (+8)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Necklace
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 31.6 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 31.7 (+61%)

Required level 92
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Immortal (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times
Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger's Eye Ring (+9)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Ring
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 24.9 (+61%)
Mag. absorption 24.9 (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Immortal (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times
Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
BurnHour 20% Reduce

Advanced elixir is in effect [+1]

Tiger's Eye Ring (+7)

Seal of Star
Sorf of item: Ring
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 24.3 (+41%)
Mag. absorption 24.4 (+61%)

Required level 90
Max. no. of magic options: 9Unit

Str 6 Increase
Int 6 Increase
ZombieHour 20% Reduce
Freezing ,FrostbiteHour 20% Reduce
BurnHour 20% Reduce
Electric shockHour 20% Reduce
PoisoningHour 20% Reduce
Immortal (1Time/times)
Astral 1 Time/times

Able to use Advanced elixir.

Electus Assassin - Black Edition Dress (M)

Sorf of item: Avatar Dress

HP Recovery 25 % Increase
Damage 5% Increase
Attack rate 5% Increase
Str 1 Increase


2015 Noble Hat(M)

Sorf of item: Avatar Hat

Damage Absorption 5% Increase
Parry rate 5% Increase


Arabian Accessory (M)

Sorf of item: Avatar Accessory

HP Recovery 25 % Increase


Legendary Dragon Flag

Sorf of item: Avatar Flag

Str 1 Increase
Int 1 Increase


Angel's Spirit (M) (+4)

Sorf of item: Avatar Dress

10% Damage increase (it will apply to Unique monsters only)


Unique kills:

# Unique Kills
1 Captain Ivy 2
2 Cerberus 1
3 Isyutaru 1
4 Light Spirit 1
5 Lord Yarkan 1
6 Uruchi 2

PVP kills & deaths:

# Killer Victim Date & Time
1 G1NGE D4rkAngell 2024-05-06 18:48:32.240
2 D4rkAngell G1NGE 2024-05-06 18:47:34.147
3 G1NGE D4rkAngell 2024-05-06 18:46:44.047
4 G1NGE ConDones 2024-05-05 15:14:16.990
5 _Artemis_ G1NGE 2024-05-05 15:12:58.470
6 XSMB G1NGE 2024-05-05 15:12:13.513
7 G1NGE Roc 2024-05-05 15:11:03.757
8 G1NGE Carpediem 2024-05-05 15:10:40.757
9 G1NGE Arislante 2024-05-05 15:10:09.467
10 G1NGE FLAMAD 2024-05-05 15:09:51.767

Job kills & deaths:

# Killer Victim Date & Time
1 G1NGE D4 2024-05-07 02:34:04.810
2 G1NGE LuuBi_Tn 2024-05-07 02:33:49.800
3 Encase G1NGE 2024-05-07 02:28:47.213
4 YaKaLaa G1NGE 2024-05-07 02:27:21.860
5 Meret G1NGE 2024-05-07 02:26:38.440
6 G1NGE Zulu 2024-05-07 02:26:25.830
7 D4 G1NGE 2024-05-07 02:25:34.617
8 G1NGE _DiZZ_ 2024-05-07 02:24:57.390
9 Zulu G1NGE 2024-05-07 02:22:31.093
10 G1NGE Geralt 2024-05-07 01:44:53.063

Global History:

Message Time
WTB SOM PROT WTB SOM ACC!!! Tue, May 7, 2024 2:44 AM
WTB SOM ACC WTB SOM PROT Tue, May 7, 2024 2:29 AM
WTB SOM PROT / SOM ACC PM ME PRICES!!! Tue, May 7, 2024 1:06 AM
HELPPPPP!!!! Mon, May 6, 2024 6:22 PM
WTB SOM ARMOR (Gemini) pm me prices Sun, May 5, 2024 2:32 PM
WTB SOS+9/+10 ring Fri, May 3, 2024 4:11 PM
WTS SOS +7 RINGS || SOS +7 NECKLACE PM ME OFFERS Fri, May 3, 2024 1:12 AM
WTS <Break Heaven Sword> PM ME OFFERS IN GOLD OR SILKS Fri, May 3, 2024 12:59 AM
ALL SOLD 2 BlackWidow, Enjoy fella Thu, May 2, 2024 8:44 PM
SOM +7 EARRINGS c/o is 3.1k (ASiLaZzZ) Thu, May 2, 2024 8:36 PM
General info
  • Players online: 25/2500
  • Server Time: 
  • CAP: 100
  • Race: Chinese Only
  • PC Limit: 2 (+1 Staller)
  • IP Limit: 4 (+1 Staller)
  • Guild Limit: 24
  • Union Limit: 0

















Fortress war
  • Fortress war: Sunday 20:30
  • Bandit Fortress Bandit: OG
Unique Kills
  • Arroz has killed Anubis - 12 minutes ago
  • Arroz has killed Haroeris - 1 hour ago
  • SALEM has killed Dead Karkadann [STR] - 3 hours ago
  • VEOLIA has killed Dead Khulood - 3 hours ago
  • Arroz has killed Neith - 4 hours ago
  • More